Today is starting off nice, calm and quiet. Bill has left for work and everyone else is sleeping...the morning is mine. For the last several days Aryne and Jaiden have already been up and downstairs, which it is always wonderful to get Jaiden lovin' in the early am. But I love my morning time.
I will have my morning tea and watch the sun sneak into the sky (well hopefully it isn't very cloudy out there), with the hint of color waking up the sleepy world. Morning time is definitely my favorite part of the day. Seeing the world come alive and out of the darkness, sipping on tea, and enjoying a quiet time just seems to start the day out lovely and at least gives the illusion all will be well.
On to stitching: My current project is an SAL from Oakhaven Designs. I am almost finished with this SAL and am anxious to see it completed. When the stitching is done I decided to make this into a pillow and later on make ornaments out of the different months to display on my seasonal shelf.
I hope to complete November today and start December either today or tomorrow. My goal is to making this into a pillow by the weekend.
Of course we all know about plans...they quite often need to be changed. We are currently in the process of converting the front room (probably really a formal living room or office-at least that was our plans for the room) into a bedroom at least temporarily. construction of walls to fill the openings and a door is in progress and about 2/3 of the way done. I will post photos soon of the completed room. However I don't have any of good ones to show the openings before the beginning.
Time to go for now. My Jaiden is up and requires Oma lovin'
Your pillow is looking great I can't wait to see it finished and see the ornaments. I hope you enjoyed your morning.